Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Ceremony of Midodareni in Central Java

       In each region, they have a ceremony organized by the respective customs. This time there is a traditional ceremony that was quite interesting and a bit complicated. It is a traditional ceremony of Midodareni in Central Java. Some of you surely know the ceremony. The ceremony was held before the marriage ceremony. Midodareni is done at night, it aims to make the bride's face looks like an angel and expected to live in harmony and peace as it navigates a household. Before the show Midodareni implemented, the ceremony begins with the ritual cleansing or bath according to the custom.
In the spray ceremony (take a bath in the special place and it is showed by others)  and it used a decorated actor as good as possible and spray are the ones that start with the parents and followed by other elders. And than the bride are asked to wash their face with water in a jug ​​that was brought by her mother, and then the jug is slammed. This means that virginity of the bride will soon lost or the periode of virginity will be end as the jug.
Then the bride was carried by her father to change the clothes. After changing clothes, her hair will be cut. It is taken by her parents. And then the hair that has been cut is implanted in front of the house. Then the next ceremony is Cendol Dawet (Ice which contains grass jelly). The more interesting thing that a mother of the bride sell the dawet, and to buy the dawet is not money but the fragments jug who has been solved before that use to buy the dawet. After that, it was an event called midodareni ceremony. This ceremony was done on the night. The bride was made up and they are asked to stay up until ± 12.00 p.m o’clock.  It is aim to get revelation of God and their face can look like the angel. Seeing the complexity of a ceremony, but the ceremony reflects a culture that continue to be preserved.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Ceremony of Midodareni in Central Java, that is good information for me.. I like that :)