Indonesia has 34
provices. Each province has their own culture. The culture encompass all
aspects of the area, such as dance, costume, musical intstrument, ceremony,
food, and the others. Now I will tell you about culture of Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta
is a province consists of five regencies. They are Gunung Kidul, Bantul, Kulon
Progo, Sleman, and Yogyakarta city. Yogyakarta has also many tourism objects.
Many people have visited Yogyakarta. They interested in Yogyakarta tourism
objects. They come from others area even many foreign have visited Yogyakarta.
Beside tourism objects, the culture as the most populer in Yogyakarta is not
strange for us. Yogyakarta still follows tradition of hereditary, such as
custom of ceremony. There is a place which is used to museum and event in
Yogyakarta. That is Sultan Palace.

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