Friday, May 24, 2013

Wayang Lightening Hearts

On Saturday, May 11, 2013, there is a seminar organized that was held in Museum Education Indonesia (MPI) UNY. Theme of the seminar is " Wayang (puppet) as Media enlightenment of humanity". In the seminar was attended by Prof. Dr. Suminto A Suyuti, Professor of the State University of Yogyakarta (UNY) and it is attended by two speakers. They are Ir Yowono Sri Suwito MM, (cultural) and HM Shakirun (cultural actors) he is known as Cak Kirun (actor of comedy) from East Java. Besides the seminar was attended by approximately 200 participants of the seminar. In the seminar, Dr. Suminto said that the wayang could play the fuction as communicative. Through the wayang can be propagated by a variety of things in line with the capability and authority of the wayang as art.

In the seminar, Yuwono also explained that enlightenment is not just a wayang in the teachings of the play but also can pass the piece and puppets. Enlightenment teachings of the wayang contained in pathet 6, pathet 9, and pathet Manyura. Everyone in attendance looked calm in understanding and look at what has been described by Dr. Yowono and Suminto. One of the seminar participants also participated on the theme. He is an Alumnus of the Faculty of Engineering UGM say that the function wayang, initially as a tribute to the ancestors. But ultimately more focused into a spectacle. Even in this era of globalization is more traditional art and has led to the traditional pseudo art.

Similarly, the artist known as Kirun (actor of comedy) also explained his opinion with a humorous style. He said that the wayang is not going to become extinct. It is growing in accordance with the times. Wayang can actually support the people who intersect with wayang, ranging from people who have related with wayang such as musicians, waranggana, crafters, and others. According to one of the participants of the seminar, seminar which is theme Wayang (puppet) gave knowledge about the values of life are reflected in the Wayang (puppet) play. With a variety of opinions expressed by the two sources make the participants understand that the wayang is something that has good value for life.

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